Cast Iron Spiral Stairs
The benefits of Cast Iron have made our Victorian range one of, if not the most popular spiral staircase we offer since we first opened our doors in 1987.
Cast from our own “Elite” branded patterns, our Victorian range is genuine high quality Cast Iron. Built to last generations, not just years.
The Victorian range is ideal for both internal and external applications with both wet paint and powder coat finishes that are available in almost any colour.
The Victorian spiral staircase is available in 3 different size diameters – 1040mm, 1370mm & 1830mm and every staircase is bespoke so our staircases can be made to suit any height and situation.
Our matching Cast Iron decking plates are used on the landing platforms and can also be made to any size and shape, please contact us for any help you may require.
There is also a range of various baluster options which you can see on this page, please click on the pictures to open a further gallery of installations.

Other Balustrade Options
Please enquire about our other balustrade options that may be combined to suit your location and design.

Balustrade Options